We invite you to a gathering of leaders across all sectors to discuss the most pressing security issues facing business and nations. This will be at the 15th PROTECT conference series on “Doing Business Amidst New Threats”.
To view the advanced copy of the Agenda, kindly click here. It covers the most pressing issues on cybersecurity affecting businesses as well as the lingering biological threats strengthened by the recent pandemic. The agenda also covers extensive discussions on cross – border crimes where by using technologies, businesses are being targeted by criminals. Issues along the South China Sea developments will also be the subject of discussion.
A subject we will be introducing at PROTECT this year is a session on “Looking Ahead”. This is a look at the very fast – developing future, in terms of technological developments, climate change and socio- geopolitical developments— inflexion points that may require unexpected changes in strategic planning for security and for business. Thus, we encourage all business sectors to attend PROTECT 2023.
We look forward to your attendance and participation in this constructive forward-looking dialogues between government and the private sector.