The Philippines’ first and only industry magazine that deals with safety and security matters pervading the environment today.

PROTECT 2024: Government-Private Sector Partnership Addresses Global Security Challenges

The recently concluded PROTECT 2024  conference held last June 28, 2024, in Manila, brought together senior government officials, business leaders, security experts, and stakeholders from the security sector to tackle pressing global security challenges amidst unprecedented disruptions. Launched in 2005 in partnership with the Anti-Terrorism Council, PROTECT is the only government-private sector initiative in the Philippines, addressing various threats from terrorism to cyber crimes.

This year’s event featured notable speakers, including high-ranking government officials, cybersecurity experts, international diplomats, financial leaders, and pandemic response specialists. These experts provided insights into geopolitical risks, economic stability, extremism, digital transformation, and national security.

A pivotal theme of PROTECT 2024 was digital transformation, focusing on the opportunities it presents and the escalating cyber threats it poses. The conference also addressed resilience and preparedness, drawing lessons from recent pandemics to enhance proactive response measures.

Another critical focus was stability in financial systems amidst economic uncertainties, with discussions on regulatory frameworks and collaborative approaches. The conference showcased national defense and cybersecurity capabilities advancements, highlighting policy developments and technological innovations crucial for global security.

PROTECT 2024 concluded with an unwavering commitment to collaborative efforts between the government and private sectors, emphasizing collective action in navigating complex security landscapes. Since its inception in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, PROTECT has evolved to anticipate and address new emerging threats, from global economic crises to natural disasters and cyber-attacks, instilling a sense of reassurance and confidence in the audience.

The annual conference remains a crucial platform for dialogue and network thinking among those responsible for the security and safety of businesses, communities, and citizens in the Philippines. Your participation and contributions are integral to the success of these security efforts, making you a valued part of this vital initiative.