Philippines Most Wanted: Maute Group
The Philippine National Police has released a Wanted advisory of the local terrorists in its social media channels.
Be a Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist
Be constantly and continuously armed with the knowledge on the latest techniques, tactics, and procedures to inhibit terror incidents, no matter their scope.
Why did the Resorts World Manila attack happen?
The difficulties and dangers of crafting a narrative from a tragedy in real-time.
Be extra vigilant against scalpers
Give yourself a firm foundation against being fooled by malicious scalper software and the greedy minds behind them.
Beware of online scalpers
This week’s modus operandi spotlight urges the public to be wary of online scalpers. Scene of the crime: Online event ticket sales Plan of attack: Scalping is done by online brokers who use specific software to sweep tens of thousands of tickets within minutes and automatically repost them on…
Duterte calls off 5th round of peace talks
The government peace panel will no longer sit across the negotiating table following the orders of President Rodrigo Duterte.
Duterte declares martial law in Mindanao
President Rodrigo Duterte has declared martial law in Mindanao, following the Maute Group’s siege of Marawi City.
Marawi under attack by Maute group
Government security forces face off with Maute Group in Marawi City, in an attempt to issue warrant of arrest for Abu Sayyaf leader. Updated, 08:19 p.m. Originally posted at 08:00 P.M. of 23 May 2017. Members of the Maute Group, affiliated with the ISIS global terror group, have…