5 CDO Cops Tagged in Kidnapping Arrested
Five policemen linked to the disappearance of alias “Kiking” were arrested Tuesday by the NBI.
Implications of Recent New Zealand Earthquake to Philippine Readiness
A magnitude-7.8 earthquake hit New Zealand’s South Island just after midnight. A quake of the same magnitude hit the Philippines in 1990.
Bomb threats sent to government offices nationwide
On the day the Supreme Court rules on the Marcos Burial, a series of synchronized fake bomb threats are sent out.
2 Suspected Narco Mayors Killed in Police Shootouts
A provincial mayor of a Leyte town accused of drug trafficking was shot dead by police officers in his jail cell on November 5.
PNP, Hotel and Mall Security Managers Meet to Prepare for the Holidays
Ensuring security and safety for hotel guests and shopping mall patrons is the ultimate objective for security providers. Coordination meetings with the PNP are essential, especially during the holidays.
Checklist for going to the cemetery for Undas
October 29 to November 1 will be a four-day long weekend. If you are leaving for the cemetery for Undas, run through this checklist of things to do and things to bring (and not bring) to make sure your trip will be safe and comfortable. Before you leave, make sure…